In just three sleeps, on the 10th of October, Pepper (my beloved hairy companion) and I head off in a motor home, on our 30-day Freedom Through Discipline Tour, speaking and training our way up the East Coast of Australia (Adelaide to Gold Coast)!
This adventure was born from a deep calling. I don’t always know exactly why I have to do things, just that when the time comes I must take a leap of faith and simply follow where the calling takes me. It was barely three weeks ago that the commitment and decision was made to embark on this crazy adventure; within 24 hours of launching the Tour, 10 boxes had booked to host me & Pep!
I’ve been overwhelmed by the positivity and enthusiasm people have expressed for my mad plan. I’ve been terrified of it all coming crashing down around my ears – those voices inside my head asking me who I think I am to embark on such a grand endeavour! The athlete inside me, afraid of the total anhiliation of my much loved and very safe training routine!
I guess I am truly preparing for the unknown and unknowable… and it makes me nervous and uncomfortable! Cool huh?!
I’ve never been one to shy away from the unknown and uncomfortable, so I am pushing off, away from the safe haven of Adelaide, off to discover our wonderful world of CrossFit! Off to meet new people, train with new friends (and dogs!), be exposed to new environments and report back on my discoveries to everyone tucked safely away in their home environments!
I have a message to share. It’s a message about health, performance, training, recovery, the mental game and all the things that have worked (and not worked) for me! It’s a message hard earned over 20 years as an elite athlete in four different sports, and as an individual who has struggled with, and worked hard at attaining optimal health, peak performance, reliable discipline and a powerful mental game! It’s been a gnarly old journey, the best thing I can do is share the lessons and the knowledge with others!
At 43 years of age I have never been more vital, energised, passionate, confident, fit, strong and healthy! It can be that way for everyone if they have the right information and the discipline to apply it!
CrossFit is changing lives, building communities, empowering men and women to redefine and live their highest visions of themselves – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually!

Me on Australian Breakfast TV in September.
I’m CrossFit’s biggest fan and I hope I can be a very positive reference point for those just embarking on their own CrossFit voyage of physical and personal discovery! I wasn’t good at CrossFit when I started and I’m still improving three years later. Everyday I’m discovering new ways to improve, you can too!
I will be speaking at 12 boxes starting in Ballarat and finishing on the Gold Coast where I will compete for JAW ( in the Immortals Team challenge!
The plan is to WOD, speak, vlog and cruise my way across Australia – sharing all my experiences and discoveries along the way! What else is a 43 year old woman to do?
I am supported in my travels by four very generous businesses who believe in me, my journey and my message: SMAI, JAW, Professional Whey and ClimbOn/Skinourishment. Without their committment, this adventure would not be possible, I am so very grateful to them all!
I hope you can make it to one of the amazing boxes who are hosting me along the way!!! Stay tuned to FB and Twitter for all the nutty updates and developments!
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