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5 Benefits of Including White Rice in Your Regular Diet


Coming mainly from the Asian continent, white rice has become a staple ingredient for 60% of the worldwide population, white rice intake is part of millions of people’s everyday diet. It is true, compared to brown rice, white rice has fewer nutrients to offer and that has caused white rice’s popularity to decrease when it comes to having a balanced and strict diet.

However, it is further more consumed than brown rice mainly because it cooks faster and the texture is softer. Considering this and the fact we might actually like it, there are definitely healthier ways to consume it.

In a cup of white rice calories do not go over 640, which makes 160 calories a serving. But keep an open mind and let’s see which benefits this ingredient can bring to your life and diet.

  • White rice is gluten free

This is self-explanatory. Not only is white rice beneficial for people who are allergic to gluten and those who suffer from celiac disease, it is beneficial for everyone who wants to keep the gluten levels down. Rice comes in the shape of a grain, but it can also be bought as flour. Besides, you can buy rice noodles and rice bread. As a gluten-free option, the portion or carbs that represent rice is better than, for example, pasta.

  • It is a source of energy

A balanced diet should always go hand in hand with a workout routine. A diet on its own can only go so far. Considering the workout you do, white rice is an excellent source of energy. Whether you eat it before or after the workout, during lunch, rice will help you power through the routine and the day, in general. That is why rice is the number one option for many athletes and why dietists include it in their menu.

  • It is easy to digest

Although this article does not aim at villainizing either of them, white rice beats brown rice in this matter. Brown rice has phytic acid, which is considered an anti-nutrient that causes digestive problems. White rice, on the contrary, doesn’t have it. For this reason, white rice is much easier to digest. Specially for people who have late dinners, this is by far the best option to make sure your digestion is fully completed before hitting the bed and get some quality sleep.

  • It is good for the heart and the gut

Wholegrain rice is doctor-recommended. Blood cholesterol levels are improved by white rice, besides a balanced diet that includes this ingredient reduces the chances of having a stroke and heart diseases in general. 

As if this wasn’t enough of a reason, white rice is a fine source of butyrate which reduces gut inflammation and works as a boost for your gut health. Have you ever been recommended to eat plain white rice while going through some diarrhea? This is the reason behind that recommendation.

  • It stabilizes blood sugar levels

Being good for heart health in general, white rice can also be used to stabilize your blood sugar. This is because white rice is high on starch and, thanks to its adaptability and the possibility of mixing it with vegetables that characteristic offers, it prevents spikes of blood sugar. Consider this information useful as long as you don’t suffer from diabetic disease.

Some more benefits

White rice in general must be one of the easiest elements to combine. You have probably found recipes for breakfast meals, lunch or even breakfast. There are even rice-based drinks! Considering it is highly flexible and adaptable, white rice can be turned into a healthy plate very easily, provided your intake does not surpass the recommended portions.

Moreover, white rice is the perfect ingredient for meal prepping. A balanced diet not only requires a strict plan, it also requires organization. White rice can be cooked in batches and stored either in the fridge, for a couple of days or in the freezer. 

If you are not a fan of meal prepping, but you do appreciate recipes that take a shorter time to make white rice is also a good option. Not only does it cook in less time than other varieties, it can also be cooked in the microwave or in the Instant Pot. Which will eventually do all the hard work after you press some buttons.

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