Adam Brown
Adam (or AB, Ads, Buddha.....take your pick), is the owner and head coach at CrossFit GEO. With 15 years former law enforcement experience, CrossFit was a welcome career path change and one that he wish he had discovered many years earlier. As he knocks on the door of 40, CrossFit helps to keep the mind and body young, and he feels he is in the best shape of is life. WIth a positive outlook on life and an easy going nature, he is slowly getting used to having his arse handed to him by his younger Box members..........sort of.
Review: Rudy Nielsen’s Outlaw CrossFit Camp
In January of this year, I was lucky enough to attend the highly sought after Outlaw CrossFit Camp held at CrossFit...
REVIEWSAdam BrownMarch 4, 2013 -
Katie Hogan Talks Athlete NutritionNEWSAdam BrownJune 27, 2012
CrossFit Games: A Judges Perspective
The 2012 Open was finished. Phew! That was tough… tougher than last year. And I knew the Regionals would be even...
NEWSAdam BrownMay 28, 2012 -
com·mu·ni·ty <a noun, plural com·mu·ni·ties.3. A social, religious, occupational, or other group sharing common characteristics or interests and perceived or perceiving...
NEWSAdam BrownMay 7, 2012 -
Meeting Greg Amundson inspires Adam to talk goals
It was just over a week ago I had the pleasure of attending a CrossFit Goal Setting seminar with one of...
NEWSAdam BrownApril 24, 2012