CrossFit Games Regionals
We’re still ten days out from the CrossFit Games Regionals but HQ have just released the workouts for all events over the next month.
It’s fair to say the level has been raised even higher since the Open with 345 pound deadlifts, a snatch ladder with double unders, and 225 pound hang cleans all included.
Just like last year, the regional workouts will be the same across all 17 divisions, making it fair for the lucky competitors who make it through to the Games.
There will be six workouts in total, with just one cut off. This will come in after workout five, with both the men and female fields reducing to 18 competitors for the final test.
Here’s the six workouts in detail:
Individual Event 1:
25-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (225/155 pounds).
Handstand Push-ups.
Individual Event 2:
For time:
Row 2000 meters.
50 one legged squats alternating.
30 hang cleans (225/135 pounds).
Individual Event 3:
Four rounds for time of:
10 one arm dumbbell snatches (100/70 pounds).
Individual Event 4
For time:
50 back squats ( 135/95 pounds).
40 pull ups.
30 shoulder to overhead (135/95 pounds).
50 front squats (85/50 pounds).
40 pull ups.
30 shoulder to overhead (85/65 pounds).
50 overhead squats (65/45 pounds).
40 pull ups.
30 shoulder to overhead (65/45 pounds).
Individual Event 5
Snatch ladder with double unders.
Individual Event 6
For time:
Three rounds of:
7 deadlifts (345/225 pounds).
7 muscle ups.
Three rounds of:
21 wall ball shots (20/14 pounds, ball to 10″).
21 toes to bars.
100′ farmer carry (2 X 100/70 pounds dumbbells).
28 burpee box jumps (24″/20″ box).
100′ farmer carry (2 X 100/70 pounds dumbbells).
3 muscle ups.
Just like it was during the Open, athletes will receive a point for every place they finish (1 for 1st, 24 for 14th) and the competitor with the lowest total after the six events wins.
No doubt hundreds of competitors are now analyzing the workouts and breaking down how they will attack each one.
In the meantime, here’s a video of what to expect in the opening workout, ‘Diane’:
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