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Developing a Radiance Routine for Improved Wellness

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Improved wellness is personal to each and everyone of us and there is no one-size fits all approach. However, there are some repairing and common parts of wellbeing that most of us can address or at least relate to. Tackling these can have a positive impact on your lifestyle.

Your Perceived Problem Areas

It’s only human to not like something about yourself. Think of the best-looking celebrity you can. It’s almost guaranteed there are things they don’t like about how they look, somehow! For us mere mortals, there can be a whole host of issues that get us down because we feel we need to look perfect. The truth is we don’t. But self-care teaches that we must at least try. Teeth whitening is a common first step. Losing weight is another. And should we mention butts?

Physical Fitness for Mental Might

Fitness has a massive positive impact on your life. It makes your body look better and you can tone up. But people with a steady gym or fitness routine also have a healthy glow and a superior positive mental attitude. Exercise is known to not only improve physical appearance but combat depression and anxiety. This is because exercise improves natural serotonin balance that counteracts cortisol. So by working out your body, you can wear out your mental anguish.

Improved Wellness by What You Wear

Like getting down about certain parts of your body, we can also become embarrassed by what we wear. These days, especially, personal wardrobe can be a source of depression. But we only wear about 20% of what we have most of the time. Therefore, it is a good idea to spend some time figuring out what suits you. Try on clothes when buying them and play around with different styles. Body shape can also play a key role in how clothes fit you, so learn which one you have.

A Blow Out to Glow Up

Do you want to be a better version of yourself? Maybe there are things in your life that drag your wellness down. These can come from poor self-image and toxic people around you. Whatever it is, a glow-up will help with your personal and professional life. But where do you start? Most people, men and women are sensitive about their hair because it is one of the first things others notice, and the wrong style can ruin your look. But a style you love will boost your self-esteem. 

Take Care of Your Largest Organ

Personal hygiene and self-care are vital to wellness and wellbeing. You must take care of your body inside and out. For example, organ care through eating well, curbing bad habits, and using supplements are accepted methods. But what about the biggest organ? Your skin, of course! Skincare contributes to improved self-image and overall health and hygiene. Organic products, a morning and night routine, and hydration are all essential to glowing and radiant skin.


Taking care of your “problem areas” is a key first step to improved wellness. Most self esteem comes from self image. So curating a new wardrobe will also help. However a skin care routine will also help alleviate some of the issues associated with anxiety about how you look.

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The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.