Fisher Defeats Hendren in CrossFit Open 14.1
After a 10-minute AMRAP of power snatches and double-unders, Garret Fisher defeated Marcus Hendren in the CrossFit Open 14.1 workout.
It was a close battle with both athletes going head to head in the repeat workout (11.1) before Fisher broke clear in the final few minutes.
In the end, Fisher finished with a score of 373 while Hendren was two reps short of finishing his 8th round, ending the workout with 358 completed reps.

Garret Fisher collapses after 14.1
Three-time CrossFit Games champion Rich Froning still has the best score for the workout, which he scored during the 2011 CrossFit Open. His 448 reps was two reps shy of completing 10 rounds, which would have averaged out to be a round a minute.
Now it’s your turn!
Make sure you head to the CrossFit Games website for all the details and the full workout description.
You can check the full workout announcement including the head to head battle between Hendren and Fisher below:
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