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How to Prepare for CrossFit Open 25.2

CFC Team affiliate prepare for 25.2

The second workout of the CrossFit Open, 25.2, is just around the corner, and athletes worldwide are strategizing their approach to maximize performance. While the exact workout remains unknown until the official announcement, past trends and movement patterns allow us to make educated preparations.

Last week, 25.1 delivered burpees, dumbbell hang clean and jerks and lunges. What will see in 25.2? Here’s how you can get ready for 25.2 and optimize your performance on game day.

1. Focus on Likely Movements

Week 2 of the Open often introduces a combination of gymnastics, barbell or dumbbell work, and monostructural elements (such as jumping rope or rowing). Based on historical data, some likely movements could include:

  • Gymnastics: Toes-to-bar, chest-to-bar pull-ups, or muscle-ups
  • Barbell or Dumbbell Work: Thrusters, snatches, or clean and jerks
  • Monostructural Components: Double-unders, rowing, or shuttle runs

To prepare, incorporate these exercises into your workouts, focusing on efficiency, pacing, and smooth transitions between movements.

2. Work on Grip and Endurance

Grip fatigue is often a limiting factor in Open workouts. If 25.2 includes high-rep gymnastics or barbell cycling, maintaining a strong grip throughout the workout will be essential. Implement grip-strengthening exercises such as:

  • Dead hangs and farmer’s carries
  • Grip-specific drills like towel pull-ups
  • Managing barbell cycling and gymnastics with planned break strategies

Additionally, if the workout involves a longer time domain (such as a 15-minute AMRAP), ensure you have the aerobic capacity to sustain effort over time by including moderate-intensity conditioning sessions.

3. Dial in Your Pacing Strategy

One of the biggest mistakes athletes make in the Open is coming out too fast and burning out early. If 25.2 follows traditional Open trends, pacing will be critical.

  • If the workout has a fixed time cap (AMRAP or for time), establish a pace you can maintain without excessive rest periods.
  • If the workout features ascending reps or heavier weights over time, break up movements strategically to avoid unnecessary fatigue.
  • Use practice rounds to determine your ideal pacing, ensuring you don’t hit failure too soon.

4. Optimize Recovery and Mobility

Recovery leading up to 25.2 is just as important as training. Ensure you:

  • Get adequate sleep (7-9 hours per night)
  • Stay hydrated and eat nutrient-dense meals
  • Incorporate mobility work focusing on shoulders, hips, and wrists to enhance range of motion and prevent injury
  • Perform active recovery sessions with light movement, stretching, or mobility drills to stay primed for competition

5. Mental Preparation and Strategy Adjustments

The Open is as much a mental test as a physical one. Some key mental strategies include:

  • Visualizing success – Envision yourself performing the workout smoothly and efficiently.
  • Sticking to your plan – Know when to break sets, when to push, and when to recover.
  • Trusting your training – Confidence in your preparation will allow you to execute with precision.

Final Thoughts

While the exact details of 25.2 remain a mystery, preparing for a variety of movements, dialing in pacing strategies, and optimizing recovery will give you the best chance for success. Approach the workout with a clear plan, stay composed, and leave everything on the competition floor.

Stay tuned for the official 25.2 announcement, and good luck!


The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.