Fitness Lonnie, Andrea Ager & Michael at the 2012 CrosFit Games
As we all know, the new year is all about new beginnings and resolutions.
With the 2013 CrossFit season about to get underway, we caught up with some of the world’s best known CrossFitter’s to find out what their resolutions are for 2013.
Today we reveal elite CrossFit athlete and internet celebrity Fitness Lonnie.
According to Fitness Lonnie, he created what people call ‘CrossFit’ in 2004, and claims Greg Glassman stole it off him.
Then again, Lonnie also claims to have recorded a sub-minute Fran, and a CrossFit Total of 2000 kgs.
Lonnie competed in his first CrossFit Open in 2012, where he was on track to qualify for the Southern California Regionals before being struck down with a nasty injury.
The injury, however, wasn’t enough to stop Lonnie, who went on to complete all six workouts and finish in 4,640th position worldwide.
After working out every day since last year’s Open, Lonnie has his sights on being Crowned the fittest man on earth in 2013. A title he thinks he will easily take off dual winner Rich Froning.
This was his response when we asked the fitness guru for his 2013 New Year’s resolution:
“How DARE YOU, The Rx Review! Who do you think you are asking me a question like that?
New Year’s Resolutions are about improving, and for me that is not possible. These little once a year “goals” are for people who aren’t already perfect in every regard, aka losers.
So, for all you losers out there making lists about how to become better, let me shorten that thing up for you. Just write “Become Fitness Lonnie,” and you’ll never have to make a New Years Resolution again. Let’s Get it!”
We reveal another top CrossFitter’s New Year’s resolution tomorrow.
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