Is a Perfect Diet Plan for Weight Loss Just a Myth?
Is a perfect diet plan for weight loss just a myth? A stern ‘No’ is the right answer from the professionals....
ContributorAugust 22, 2017 -
Tia-Clair Toomey, Mat Fraser Crowned 2017 CrossFit Games Champions
The 2017 Reebok CrossFit Games have come to a close with the “Fittest Man and Woman on Earth” crowned for another...
John Michael BricAugust 7, 2017 -
Review: The FINAL3 Recovery Supplement
This week we take a moment to review a relatively new recovery supplement called TheFINAL3: Product: The FINAL3 Recovery Supplement. Price: $49 USD (1...
John Michael BricJune 22, 2017 -
When is it Acceptable to use Human Growth Hormone (HGH)?
When people say the words Human Growth Hormone, there is often a taboo connotation that comes with it. As a society,...
Sponsored ArticleJune 19, 2017 -
Paxter Giveaway: Win 1 of 10 Paxters: the all-in-one Hygiene Container!
Paxter Giveaway: Win 1 of 10 Paxters: the all-in-one Hygiene Container! This month we’re giving you the chance to win one...
John Michael BricMay 7, 2017 -
Improve Your Strength by Changing Your Posture
Poor posture can greatly affect the way you sit, look and feel. You may notice that when you spend a large...
Jane GratesApril 26, 2017 -
Product Highlight: The Final3 Recovery Supplement
In the above Product Highlight video The Rx Review takes a quick look at a recovery supplement called The Final3. For those of...
John Michael BricApril 3, 2017 -
CrossFit Open 17.2 Tips and Strategy Advice
The second week of the 2017 CrossFit Open is now underway with 17.2 announced by Dave Castro a short time ago....
John Michael BricMarch 2, 2017