Annie Thorisdottir Named 2nd Fittest Woman by CNN
For the first time ever, news station CNN has named a CrossFitter in their list of the world’s top ten people....
John Michael BricNovember 9, 2012 -
The Rx Review News Wrap: Nov 9, 2012
All your Functional Fitness news for the last week in under 2-minutes. This week we discuss CNN’s recent Fittest Athlete, who...
Michael McCoyNovember 9, 2012 -
The Hardest WOD of All
Sometimes the tougher the accomplishment, the better. As JFK put it, “We choose to go… not because it is easy, but...
Steven KiernanNovember 8, 2012 -
Poll: 2013 Female CrossFit Games Champion?
There was some big news in the female CrossFit division last week with 2012 CrossFit Games runner-up Julie Foucher announcing she...
John Michael BricNovember 6, 2012 -
The Australian Hero Games Announced!
The Australian Hero Games have just been announced! The event will take place between the December 1-8 and has been created...
Michael McCoyNovember 6, 2012 -
Spencer Hendel’s Snatch Training Four time CrossFit Games competitor Spencer Hendel gives us a closer look at how his training is going late in...
John Michael BricNovember 6, 2012 -
CrossFit: To RX or not RX? That is the question
“Duh, RX the workout or what’s the point, right?” “We’re talking about intensity, right?!?” “You can’t be intense unless you’re totally...
Katie HoganNovember 5, 2012 -
6 Reasons Why You Should Stretch
It’s probably safe to say that not all CrossFit enthusiasts are aspiring yogis waiting for the day to conquer the splits...
Emma NicoleNovember 5, 2012