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  • Review: Women’s Reebok CrossFit Headband

    This week, we take a moment to review the Women’s Reebok CrossFit Headband. Item: Women’s Reebok CrossFit Headband Price: $14 USD Manufacturer: Reebok Purchase: Reebok...

    REVIEWSEmma NicoleFebruary 20, 2012
  • We’re Back!

    Not sure if you have noticed but over the last fortnight The Rx Review has not been getting updated as often...

    NEWSMichael McCoyFebruary 18, 2012
  • Why Prunes Are Good For You

    I have just returned from California and like The Beach Boys said it’s a place of sunshine, beaches and bikinis, but...

    NEWSEmma NicoleFebruary 16, 2012
  • New Zigtech Ad With Annie and Rich

    Reebok’s recent global marketing launch of CrossFit was only just launched last month, but the leading sports brand has wasted not...

    NEWSJohn Michael BricFebruary 16, 2012
  • 2012 CrossFit SacTown Throwdown

    It’s not everyday you get to see police cars involved in a WOD, but last Sunday we saw exactly that with...

    NEWSJohn Michael BricFebruary 15, 2012
  • WOD Tours

    The sport of CrossFit has made some exponential growths over the past few years, picking up a major sponsor in Reebok,...

    NEWSJohn Michael BricFebruary 13, 2012
  • Vibram Seeya Now Available

    Vibram Five Fingers have finally released their newest shoe the Vibram Seeya into the wild. Designed  for the most serious minimalist...

    NEWSMichael McCoyFebruary 13, 2012
  • Jack3d and OxyElite Pro Still Being Sold in Stores

    It was just days ago we a New York Times article citing the US Army’s investigation and withdrawal of Jack3d...

    NEWSMichael McCoyFebruary 12, 2012
  • Prizes During the CrossFit Games

    There’s more to gain than just personal bests this CrossFit season because this season the Reebok CrossFit Games will be awarding...

    NEWSJohn Michael BricFebruary 10, 2012
  • Army Investigates Supplements After Death

    ­ The New York Times is reporting the United States Army has withdrawn all products and dietary supplements containing dimethylamylamine (DMAA)...

    NEWSMichael McCoyFebruary 8, 2012

The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.