Pichelli Defeats Tovar in 14.3
After a gruelling 8-minute AMRAP of heavy deadlifts and box jumps, Allesandra Pichelli defeated Stacie Tovar in 14.3 of the 2014 CrossFit Open.
The two female athletes went head to head in New Orleans in Louisiana just moments after the details of the workout were released publicly.
Both Tovar and Pichelli went rep for rep through the first few rounds but it was on the third round of box jumps that the two started showing signs of fatigue.

Pichelli Defeats Tovar in 14.3
At around the 5-minute mark, Games veteran Tovar started to pull away from Pichelli and looked to be set for victory. However, Pichelli managed to maintain solid form through the final set of deadlifts and overtake Tovar to win 164 to 159 reps.
Next week, we’ll have another head-to-head battle with SoCal star Josh Bridges taking on 4th place finisher at the past two CrossFit Games Scott Panchik. They’ll compete at the next live announcement, which takes place at 5PM PT in Seattle, Washington.
Make sure you head to the CrossFit Games website for all the details and the full workout description for 14.3.
Check out the full announcement and the head-to-head battle below:
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