2013 CrossFit SoCal Regional (Image courtesy of CrossFit’s Facebook Page)
The 2025 CrossFit Semifinals are approaching, and speculation is growing about the workouts athletes will face as they fight for a spot at the CrossFit Games. While CrossFit HQ has not yet released the official programming, past trends and competition data provide insight into what athletes should prepare for.
How CrossFit Designs Semifinal Workouts
Each year, CrossFit HQ carefully programs workouts to test competitors across strength, endurance, skill, and strategy. The Semifinals are designed to separate elite athletes from the pack and typically include:
- Heavy Olympic lifting to test raw strength under fatigue
- Advanced gymnastics such as muscle-ups, handstand push-ups, and rope climbs
- High-intensity sprint workouts to assess power output and recovery
- Long endurance events to challenge stamina and pacing strategy
- Unconventional elements such as odd-object carries and strongman-style tests
Based on previous years and programming trends, here are some predictions for the 2025 CrossFit Semifinals workouts.
Predicted Workouts for the 2025 CrossFit Semifinals
Heavy Barbell Ladder
Strength is always a key component of the Semifinals, and with the Open favoring lighter, high-volume lifting, it’s likely that CrossFit will test maximal strength.
Predicted Workout Format:
- Clean & Jerk Ladder with ascending weights
- Athletes lift every 60 seconds until failure
- Final rounds feature strict time caps
Key Movements: Squat cleans, snatches, and jerks under fatigue
High-Skill Gymnastics Challenge
CrossFit is known for testing advanced gymnastics at the Semifinal level. Given that the Open included strict handstand push-ups, it’s likely that athletes will face an even tougher gymnastics workout.
Predicted Workout Format:
- 15 ring muscle-ups
- 50-foot handstand walk over an obstacle course
- 15 bar muscle-ups
- 50-foot weighted vest handstand walk
Key Movements: Ring muscle-ups, deficit handstand push-ups, pegboards
Classic CrossFit Grinder
Every year, CrossFit includes a classic metabolic conditioning workout that tests endurance, strength, and mental grit.
Predicted Workout Format (For Time):
- 21-15-9 of:
- Thrusters (115/85 lb)
- Chest-to-bar pull-ups
- 800-meter run
- 15-12-9 of:
- Sandbag cleans (150/100 lb)
- Handstand push-ups
Key Movements: Thrusters, running, heavy sandbag work
Long-Distance Endurance Test
Historically, the CrossFit Games include a long endurance event. It wouldn’t be surprising to see this tested in the Semifinals as well.
Predicted Workout Format:
- 3,000-meter row
- 200 double-unders
- Shuttle run
- 100-foot sled push with heavy weight
Key Movements: Rowing, running, sled pushes, double-unders
Strongman-Style Challenge
CrossFit has increasingly incorporated strongman elements, making it likely that the Semifinals will feature heavy carries or odd-object lifts.
Predicted Workout Format:
- Heavy farmer’s carry
- Yoke walk
- Sandbag-to-shoulder ladder
Key Movements: Carrying heavy loads, sled drags, and sandbags
When Will the Official 2025 CrossFit Semifinal Workouts Be Announced?
CrossFit HQ is expected to release the official workouts on the following dates:
- Age-Group & Adaptive Semifinals: March 31, 2025
- Teams Semifinals: April 21, 2025
- Individual Semifinals: April 28, 2025
Official workouts will be available on the CrossFit Games website, and The Rx Review will provide full coverage and analysis as soon as they are released.
Final Thoughts: What Will the 2025 Semifinals Look Like?
While these are just predictions, the 2025 CrossFit Semifinals will undoubtedly be a true test of fitness, strength, and skill. Athletes who have trained across all domains—lifting, gymnastics, endurance, and strategy—will have the best chance of qualifying for the CrossFit Games.
What do you think will be included in the 2025 Semifinals workouts? Share your predictions in the comments below.
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