He Completes CrossFit Open 15.1 and Gives This Advice…
Regional competitor Tama Cooper completed CrosssFit Open 15.1 just hours after it was announced by CrossFit Games Director Dave Castro on...
Michael McCoyFebruary 27, 2015 -
CrossFit Open 15.1 Tips & Advice From Amanda Allen
He completed CrossFit Open 15.1 hours after the announcement. Check out his video and advice here. This Mother PRs CrossFit Open 15.1 But What...
Amanda AllenFebruary 26, 2015 -
Rich Froning Defeats Mat Fraser in CrossFit Open 15.1
After a 15 minute workout which included a 9-minute AMRAP of toes-to-bars, deadlifts and snatches, and a 6-minute 1-rep-max clean and jerk,...
John Michael BricFebruary 26, 2015 -
CrossFit Open 15.1 – Workout Announced!
The first workout of the 2015 CrossFit Open has been released! Games Director Dave Castro revealed the movements of CrossFit Open 15.1...
Michael McCoyFebruary 26, 2015 -
Talayna Fortunato Withdraws from the 2015 CrossFit Season
Three time CrossFit Games competitor Talayna Fortunato has announced she won’t be competing in 2015, due to an ongoing ankle injury....
John Michael BricFebruary 20, 2015 -
Sam Briggs Changes Regions in 2015
It appears 2013 CrossFit Games champion Sam Briggs is changing regions in 2015. When the CrossFit Open gets underway on February...
John Michael BricFebruary 19, 2015 -
4 Reasons to Enter the CrossFit Games Open
Every year around January, functional fitness enthusiasts begin preparing for the CrossFit Games Open, with coaches right across the globe motivating...
Jasmin KelaitaFebruary 16, 2015 -
Venues Announced for the 2015 CrossFit Regionals
The venues for the 2015 CrossFit Regionals have now been announced, with HQ revealing the locations and dates for each event....
John Michael BricFebruary 9, 2015