The Brave Workout Shorts
This week, we take a moment to review a pair of women’s workout shorts from The Brave.
Item: The Brave Women’s Workout Shorts
Price: $65 AUD
Manufacturer: The Brave
Purchase: TheBrave
I have to admit I am never one to shy away from short shorts. But unlike most ‘CrossFit girls’, my time wearing hot pants usually winds up being a big night, with a cocktail in hand and home at 5am kind of gig; Not really your butt back, knees over the bar and shoulders down type of (functional fitness) setting.
In other words, I don’t usually reach for a pair of butt hugging shorts when working out. I’m more your long skins and sweat shirt, gym-going kind of girl. Mainly because I’m a cold blooded creature who craves warmth, heat and sun, so if I am going to expose my naked legs to the air either one of two scenarios are in place: it’s bloody hot outside or I plan on dancing all night I won’t be able to feel my legs. Fortunately (for me anyway), I’m not here to focus on the latter so I’ll spare you the embarrassing details, but I digress.
When asked to review a pair of The Braves tailor made Workout Shorts I was quietly thinking ‘ohhhh can’t you ask me for the review in summer when my legs are tanned and I am in a routine habit of shaving my legs?’ although my implicit demands remained unsatisfied I was pleasantly surprised when I received a package from The Brave.

The Brave Workout Shorts from the Back
First off, I like the name of the brand, I felt like it spoke to me when I first slipped into the shorts. As I was working out I thought to myself ‘The Brave: ha, how fitting, hell yeah I’m brave it’s Winter at 6am in the morning and here I am on my balcony squatting and rowing in a pair of shorts.’ While the brand name may be an insignificant detail I thought it encapsulates the people of CrossFit and so felt it deserved an honourable mention.
Aside from the name and my aversion to the cold I have to say the shorts are pretty damn impressive. When I first put them on it took me back to a moment in high school when I was doing the 800-meter run in the school sports carnival, wearing nothing but a pair of bright red bloomers around my lower half (…those were the days, and no I wasn’t the only one). For those unacquainted with bloomers they’re just like bonds undies with only ever so slightly more material.
Now, I know you’re thinking, surely if the shorts are just like bloomers that can’t be good, right? Well the good news is that while they feel a lot similar they look a lot different.
On the outside they just look like a pair of regular, black exercise shorts that don’t cling to the thighs too tight. Attached to the inside is a pair of undies in stretch material that give the bloomer-like feel. The undergarment ensures that your private parts stay private while still allowing you to reach maximum flexibility in all movements. With that said it’s time to get to the details.

Emma Showing off The Brave Workout Shorts
The Good
Design: I found the extra pair of briefs to be a real benefit for all things CrossFit. You can rest assured when you’re doing some awkward movement, like handstand push-ups that your shorts aren’t going to rise up and leave you the main attraction of the show. I won’t get into details but this may or may not have happened to me.
Material: The waistband is a very comfortable stretch material that rises at the back, keeping the lower back well covered. This is perfect for those who find their lower back gets cold when wearing low-rise pants or shorts. The stretch material runs throughout the shorts which is generous to the most vulnerable of places.
Sizing: There is nothing worse when ordering any item of clothing online only to find that you have waited two or three weeks (Australian shipping timeframes) for the wrong size. I have found that these shorts do run true to size, which makes it a breeze when blindly purchasing over the net.
Stitching: The Brave Logo appears just below the waistband at the back of the shorts and the stitching adds a nice little touch to the overall style. I’m glad they opted for stitching because it means the logo won’t peel away after wear and tear.
Stays Put: The waistband clings to the hips without digging in unnecessarily and ensures the shorts stay exactly where they should. You won’t find yourself dancing around in an effort to readjust mid workout (something I am all too familiar with).
The Bad
Price: Overall my biggest criticism with the shorts is to do with the price. Over time I have learnt that it pays to spend a little extra on exercise gear to secure all the necessary bits. But even I find it hard to justify $65 for a pair of short shorts, which will absorb my blood, sweat and tears. That said, I like the style a lot and they have really honed in on the clothing needs of CrossFitters. So if they stand the test of time, the price may well be worth it in the end.
Print logo: Imprinted on the left leg of the shorts are the words “The Brave”. Unlike the logo on the back the branding appears in a screen print.Which usually always fades or peels away over time. I have washed the shorts a couple of times and have noticed the print starting to fade if only very slightly. Sure it might be nit picking, but something to point out.
Ineffective Pockets: On the top of the garment inside the waistband lie two unstitched seams that lead down to create pockets. My issue is that these pockets are at the front of the shorts and like my pair of Skins Compression Tights. I would prefer if they were positioned in the back. Because the pockets are at the front, any bulge would look unflattering and may even be confused with a frump gut, a look I’m not really striving for. Second, the pockets are just an open slot leaving your items exposed and unsecure. But for me, pockets are always an added bonus so these issues are only very minor and are by no means a deal breaker.

Embroidered Stitching in the Back
With all things considered I was impressed with the look and feel of the shorts. Unlike some shorts they won’t leave you hanging in fear of indecent exposure and won’t restrict your physical movement due to unsuitable material. They tick both of the necessary boxes, which is a rarity in workout shorts.
So, if you are looking for comfort, flexibility and coverage then you can’t go past The Brave’s Workout Shorts. They have a 20% discount running until the 17th of August, 2012 on all store items so you can evade the full price of $65 if you get in quick.
All in all, I have to say it seems as though the team over at the Brave have spent a lot of time focusing on the varying demands of functional fitness and have tailored a pair of shorts to suit. Come summer you may just see me off my balcony and down the beach working out in these. Now that really would be Brave.
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