The Rx Review Rewards Leaderboard
We here at The Rx Review love our readers. We love them so much we decided it was about time we offered something back. Sure we have done giveaways (and will continue to do them) but we also wanted to personally thank you. So we decided we would dig into our own pockets and offer our loyal readers some amazing prizes for simply supporting us.
Then came the question if we are going to offer prizes how do we distinguish our loyal readers from those people who just happened to stumble upon our website from a Google search? That’s where PunchTab comes in.
Some of you may have noticed a little popup that has been appearing on our website over the last week. To explain, we have been testing a new loyalty program based on a simple points structure. We all know how much CrossFitters love checking the whiteboard and seeing their name at the top, so when we discovered we could offer a similar leaderboard through PunchTab we knew we had found the perfect rewards program.
The way it works is simple. We award you points for completing the following actions:
Visiting our website – every day you come to our website we will award you with 100 points.
Liking one of our articles – find an article you like? Simply click on the Facebook “Like” button at the top or bottom of every piece and you’ll earn yourself another 100 points.
Tweeting – same applies to Tweeting. Find an article you want to tell the Twitterverse about? Then click on the Twitter button at the top and bottom of every article and you’ll score another 100 points.
Google +1 – we know not many people use Google+ but if you do then just like Twitter and Facebook simply +1 an article and you get the drift, another 100 points!
Commenting – agree or disagree with something we have written. Then leave us a comment and guess what? Yep, another points 100 points!
Like our Page – if you have not already “Liked” our Facebook Page guess what? First time you do “Like” it you’re going to score… wait for it: 100 Points!
Now don’t get too excited. This does not mean you can simply go off and Comment, Tweet or Like 30 articles in a single day and earn yourself 3,000 points. Yes, I know thats the first thing people like John tend to think!
Each of those actions listed above are on offer every day so despite the fact you can’t win 3,000 points you can win an impressive 500 (well 600 really if you Like our Facebook Page but that’s really a one-off kind of thing).
But who cares if you can win 500 points a day if the the first prize is set at 1,000,000 points, right? Well, like we said we wanted to offer this as a reward to our readers, so for this trial period we have set the points as low as possible.
Here is what we currently have on offer.
1000 Points – $5 Starbucks Gift Card: one thing we know from all our travels at various CrossFit boxes is CrossFitters love their coffee. If you all lived in Sydney we could just take you out ourselves and thank you for supporting us but unfortunately that’s not an option. So we thought the next best thing is to offer you a Starbucks gift card on us.
2000 Points – $25 Again Faster Equipment Gift Certificate: find me a CrossFitter that doesn’t need an extra rope or a little extra cash to spend at one of the premier CrossFit equipment companies. Heck, I know I do so thought what better a prize than a $25 Again Faster Gift Certificate.
3000 Points – $50 Rogue Fitness Gift Certificate: do I even need to explain this one. Any CrossFitter who has been in the sport for any period of time has surely come across or even drooled over something Rogue were selling. So we’ll give you a little extra cash to help out with one of those purchases.
5,000 Points – $100 Rogue Fitness Gift Certificate: just like I said above. But this time we are doubling your buying power and giving you a whopping $100 to spend which is pretty fricken AWESOME just for coming to our site.
Sure you will have to do a little something to earn these prizes but if you simply came to our site for a week and just “Liked” and “Commented” on an article once a day then you would have already scored yourself a free cup of Joe or a $25 Again Faster Gift Certificate, pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
None of these prizes were donated to us, this is our hard earned cash that we put up so we could give something back to our loyal readers. If you support us, then this is our way of supporting you and saying thank you.
- The Rewards in the Sidebar
Now you’re probably thinking how do I get started? Or maybe you’ve already said F** that I can’t be bothered. We’re hoping you’re thinking the former rather than that latter.
If that’s the case then all you have to do is either click on the popup button that appears when you first come to our site or if you miss that then simply scroll down the page and on the right hand side you will see a button which says “Get Your Rewards!” Click on that, sign in with your Facebook account (currently that is the only way to enroll in the program) and thats it.
From here on out every time you you Visit our site, Comment, Like, Google + or Tweet about one of our articles you will be 100 points closer to some of those amazing prizes!
Now this is the first time we have done something like this so we are going to see how it goes. We hope to add more prizes as we move forward but that all depends on you. So what are you waiting for?
Update 3rd May 2012: Just to avoid any confusion, the rewards program is running as a trial. We have set the reward points as low as possible as a way to reward our regular readers and early adopters.
To clarify, for this trial period we have one $100 and one $50 Rogue Fitness gift certificate. Next we have two $25 Again Faster gift certificates. Then finally we have five $5 Starbucks gift cards. Our giveaway comes to a total $225 and is offered on a first points, first redeemed basis.
Once all the prizes are awarded we will then evaluate whether to continue with the rewards program and if so what points value we will set moving forward. If we get a good response we will continue to add to the catalogue and keep it running but that all depends on you.
If any of you would like to make some suggestions please feel free to contact me at: michael@therxreview.com
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