Wide-Legged Forward Bend
We all know there’s more to training than just showing up for the daily WOD. CrossFit is a demanding sport that requires the perfect synergy between sleep, diet, rest and training.
Part of fine tuning our training quite often means working on our mobility and flexibility outside of the box.
As the 2013 Games season gets underway we thought it was the perfect time to give you at least one stretch a week that is effective and easily implemented into your CrossFit routine.
That said, today’s stretch of the week is known as the Wide-Legged Forward Bend. After the gruelling combination of Open WOD 13.2 this pose is just what your hamstrings have been waiting for.
What is it?
Performed with two feet firmly embedded into the ground, the ultimate aim of this stretch is for the tip of your head to meet the floor beneath you, allowing the hamstrings to lengthen. But there is benefit to be gained by all with this pose, even if your head is not ready to greet the earth just yet.
What are the benefits?
The wide-legged forward bend is a best friend to your back, legs and brain. Each body part will thank you upon completion of this intense stretch.
-Stretches the spine and the backs of each leg.
-Soothing effect on the brain.
-Tones the core.
-Alleviates back pain.
1. To begin this pose take a wide stance, usually step the feet out to around 3 feet (depending on individual height). Ensure the inside of each foot is parallel to the other and place the hands on the hips.
2. Bend at the waist and lower your head to the floor without rounding the spine (a good guide is to keep the torso parallel to the floor, if you already feel tension in the stretch). The knees may have a very slight bend in them so don’t lock out all the way.
3. Place the hands on the ground slightly in front of the feet. If your palms are flat to the floor begin to walk the hands back so they fall in line with your feet (always being mindful of the spine, so the back is not in the compromising rounded position).
4. Relax, soften and hold the stretch upwards of 40 seconds to 2 minutes. Stay in this position for however long your body requires, but be sure to maintain relaxed breathing.
5. When you feel ready to come out of the posture, inhale and place the hands back on your hips. Pull the tailbone down and gently lift the torso to upright. Walk the feet back to standing.
Things to note
If you would like to experience the full posture of letting the head touch the floor but you’re not quite there yet you may place a block, pillow or cushion on the floor and allow the head to gently rest as you go through the posture.
Still confused?
Then we have two demo videos for you below.
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