All posts tagged "REVIEWS"
Review: WOD Gear Crop Pants
This week, we take a moment to review a pair of WOD Gear’s Crop Pants. Item: WOD Gear Crop Pants Price: $65 USD...
REVIEWSCarrie AntonJuly 24, 2012 -
Review: Datsusara Light Gear Bag
This week, we take a moment to review the Datsusara Light Gear Bag. Item: Datsusara Light Gear Bag Price: $100 USD Manufacturer: DSGear Purchase:
REVIEWSContributorJuly 23, 2012 -
Review: lululemon Run: Bound Sports Bra
We all know the girls—Fran, Annie, Diane, Helen, and so on—they’re a few of the CrossFit benchmark workouts. But I’m not...
REVIEWSCarrie AntonJuly 4, 2012 -
Review: Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0
This week we take a moment to review Reebok’s much anticipated functional fitness shoe, the Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0. Item: Reebok CrossFit...
REVIEWScraig smithJune 29, 2012 -
Review: Box of Salvation
Before I can begin, I have a confession to make: I’m addicted to documentaries (and ice cream, but that’s not what...
REVIEWSCarrie AntonJune 27, 2012 -
Review: Again Faster Puzzle Plyo Cube
This week, we take a moment to review the Again Faster Puzzle Plyo Cube. Item: Again Faster Plyo Cube Price: $190 AUD or...
REVIEWScraig smithJune 24, 2012 -
Review: Compete Every Day Shirts
This week, we take a moment to review some of Compete Every Day’s Training Shirts. Item: Compete Every Day Shirts Price: $30 USD Manufacturer: Compete...
REVIEWSJerred MoonJune 21, 2012 -
Review: Pure Limits CrossFit Training Shorts
This week, we take a moment to review a pair of Pure Limits Training Shorts. Item: Pure Limits Training Shorts. Price: $49 AUD...
REVIEWSJohn Michael BricJune 18, 2012