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All posts tagged "REVIEWS"

  • Review: WOD Gear Crop Pants

    This week, we take a moment to review a pair of WOD Gear’s Crop Pants. Item: WOD Gear Crop Pants Price: $65 USD...

    REVIEWSCarrie AntonJuly 24, 2012
  • Review: Datsusara Light Gear Bag

    This week, we take a moment to review the Datsusara Light Gear Bag. Item: Datsusara Light Gear Bag Price: $100 USD  Manufacturer: DSGear Purchase:

    REVIEWSContributorJuly 23, 2012
  • Review: lululemon Run: Bound Sports Bra

    We all know the girls—Fran, Annie, Diane, Helen, and so on—they’re a few of the CrossFit benchmark workouts. But I’m not...

    REVIEWSCarrie AntonJuly 4, 2012
  • Review: Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0

    This week we take a moment to review Reebok’s much anticipated functional fitness shoe, the Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0. Item: Reebok CrossFit...

    REVIEWScraig smithJune 29, 2012
  • Review: Box of Salvation

    Before I can begin, I have a confession to make: I’m addicted to documentaries (and ice cream, but that’s not what...

    REVIEWSCarrie AntonJune 27, 2012
  • Review: Again Faster Puzzle Plyo Cube

    This week, we take a moment to review the Again Faster Puzzle Plyo Cube. Item: Again Faster Plyo Cube Price: $190 AUD or...

    REVIEWScraig smithJune 24, 2012
  • Review: Compete Every Day Shirts

    This week, we take a moment to review some of Compete Every Day’s Training Shirts. Item: Compete Every Day Shirts Price: $30 USD  Manufacturer: Compete...

    REVIEWSJerred MoonJune 21, 2012
  • Review: Pure Limits CrossFit Training Shorts

    This week, we take a moment to review a pair of Pure Limits Training Shorts. Item: Pure Limits Training Shorts. Price: $49 AUD...

    REVIEWSJohn Michael BricJune 18, 2012

The Rx Review is an independent fitness website, reporting on the Sport of Fitness, functional fitness news, The CrossFit Games, health and diet related information, and also provides reviews on sports performance products.