Prizes you could win this month
After the success of our Rewards Program launch last month, The Rx Review has decided to keep it running permanently – so that means more free prizes for you to win!
In case you didn’t get a chance to check it out over the past couple of weeks, our loyalty program is basically a point system designed to reward regular readers of our site. Every time you visit The Rx Review, ‘like’ one of our articles, tweet about us, comment on a post, or just ‘like’ us on Facebook or Google +, you will earn a certain number of points. Once you accumulate enough points, you will then be able to use them to buy a bunch of prizes.
Last month we gave away a swag of giveaways including gift certificates from Again Faster, Rogue and Starbucks. Here’s what’s up for grabs this month:
1,000 points – $5 Starbucks Gift Card:
5,000 points – $10 Starbucks Gift Card:
7,500 points – $20 Rogue Fitness Gift Certificate:
10,000 points – $50 Again Faster Equipment Gift Certificate:
13,000 points – $75 Again Faster Equipment Gift Certificate:
15,000 points – $100 Rogue Fitness Gift Certificate:
Just like last month each reader is only able to earn 500 points a day, so going crazy and posting comments and tweets on every one of our articles won’t get you there faster (although we don’t entirely discourage it!). But the reality is, you don’t really need to. By posting a few comments and liking one or two of our articles, you will be able to earn yourself a gift voucher in just two days. Not bad if you ask me!
We’d also like to make it clear that none of these prizes were given to us, and that we spent our own money on organising the giveaways. We like to look at it as a way of giving something back to our loyal readers.
To sign up, simply click on the ‘Punch Tab’ pop up box that will appear on our website every time you visit, or if you miss it, simply scroll down the page and on the right hand side you will see a button which says “Get Your Rewards!” Click on that, sign in with your Facebook account and away you go.
So what are you waiting for? Leave us a comment and get on your way to winning a free prize!
– John
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