Review: Nike MetCon 1
We take a moment to review the first functional fitness shoe from Nike: The Nike MetCon 1. Item: Nike MetCon 1 functional...
John Michael BricJune 23, 2015 -
Learning Handstand Push-Ups: Gymnastics Tips
There is no doubt that a strict gymnastics movements are more difficult than a kipping gymnastics movements, precisely the reason you...
Kathryn and Evelina DaleckiJune 18, 2015 -
Review: Inov-8 370 BOA Dial Weightlifting Shoe
We take a moment to review the Inov-8 370 BOA Dial Weightlifting Shoe. Item: Inov-8 370 BOA Dial Weightlifting Shoe Price: $200 USD or...
John Michael BricJune 17, 2015 -
Product Highlight: CompGear Compression Shorts
After a successful Kickstarter campaign, CompGear’s Compression Short’s have recently hit the functional fitness market. Unlike other compression shorts, CompGear’s are...
John Michael BricJune 10, 2015 -
Review: The Pyramid Roller From 66fit
We take a moment to review the functional mobility tool from 66fit called The Pyramid Roller. Item: The Pyramid Roller Price: $71 AUD...
John Michael BricJune 10, 2015 -
Paleo Recipe: Chia Seed Pudding by Andi Lew
Andi Lew is a qualified food, lifestyle and wellness coach who has been working with functional fitness athletes and their diets...
Andi LewJune 10, 2015 -
Improving Strict Muscle-Ups: Gymnastics Tips
The Strict Muscle-Up is a great movement to include in your strength program; it will help develop overall body strength and...
Kathryn and Evelina DaleckiJune 9, 2015 -
Sydney Box Tour Series Part 5: CrossFit Revolution X
In The Rx Review’s latest Box Tour series, we travelled to Sydney, Australia to check out some of leading CrossFit gyms...
John Michael BricJune 3, 2015