In my list of top 5 yoga poses for athletes is Twisted Monkey.
The benefits definitely out way the high likelihood that your hamstring will cramp when you first try to get into this pose. That just means your hip flexors are too tight and it’s your body telling you do something about it.
So ease into the stretch and use a strap or a band.
Muscles Stretched
Alignment and Execution Tips
Step your right foot forward and to the right of your hip.
Bend your back knee and grab your foot with your right hand.
*If your hamstring cramps or you can’t easily grab the foot, use a band or strap around the ankle.
Allow your foot to fall into your hand to relax the hamstring.
Draw your heel in towards your butt to deepen the stretch.
Hold for up to two minutes and then switch sides.
Specifically targets the hip flexors and inner groin for deeper squats and full extension in lifts.
WOD Movements
Sit Ups (GHD, V-ups, Toes to Bar)
Box Jumps
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