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Yoga Pose of the Week – Lizard

lizard yoga pose 2

Take a moment and imagine a small lizard slithering across the pavement. What do you notice? I notice that they are long creatures that are very low to the ground.

Our goal in Lizard Pose is to be like a lizard, long and low. It is a pose designed to opens the hips and stretches the spine. And, if you’d like, you can wiggle around front side to side to find an even deeper stretch. As most stretches in yoga, deep breathing is encouraged during the Lizard pose to help get you deeper into the position, and to maximise benefits from it.

Muscles Stretched




Alignment and Execution Tips

Start in plank. Step your right foot to the outside of your right hand. Bring your left knee down.

Relax your hips.

For a deeper stretch, move the forearms on the ground. You can place a plate or a block under your forearms to make it easier.

Keep your chest extending forward, lengthening your spine.

For an additional stretch, tuck your back toes and straighten your leg.

Hold this stretch for up to two minutes then switch sides.


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