Josh Bridges Trains With Team USA
With the first ever Reebok CrossFit Invitational less than two weeks away, Team USA have been doing some intense training.
Team members Julie Foucher, Matt Chan, Jason Khalipa, Kristan Clever and Rebecca Voigt came together for a session at Valley CrossFit last month to get to know each other a bit better ahead of the October 13 event in London.
Team members took part in a number of WODs against some of SoCal’s best CrossFit gyms. CrossFit Invictus, CrossFit 760 and CrossFit SoCal all came down to take part in the training session.
There were also a couple of big name CrossFitters, including last years CrossFit Games runner-up Josh Bridges.
Bridges was unable to compete in the 2012 CrossFit Games due to military commitments. This is the first time we’ve seen him back in action with some of the best CrossFitters in the world.
Bridges took part in a tough partner workout which consisted of:
For time
- 30 snatches at 165 lb
- 30 bar muscle-ups
- then each member must row 500 meters.
Matt Chan and Jason Khalipa were the first team to complete the workout, finishing it in just under 6 minutes. Josh Bridges, however, wasn’t too far behind with his partner, and showed a bit of form in the bar muscle-ups.
He won’t be taking part in the upcoming CrossFit Invitational with the team of 6 already set in stone, but it was good to see him back in the CrossFit competition floor.
Hopefully his military commitments don’t prevent him from competing in the 2013 CrossFit Games.
Meanwhile CrossFit Games Director, Dave Castro, has also revealed why Mikko Salo won’t be competing for Team Europe in the Invitational. The 2009 Games Champion won’t be taking part because of “prior work arrangements”.
Here is a ten minute video of Team USA taking on three other affiliates in above WOD:
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