My Raw Cake!
My raw cake is a foundational piece in my daily nutrition arsenal! My passion and love for it is surpassed only by my love for bacon and my dog pepper!
Not a day goes by that I don’t devour two very large slices of raw cake – 8x8cm wide and about 2.5cm thick.
My raw cake is full of good fats, super foods, fibre and nutrients. Perfection in a humble slice of heaven!
I don’t eat any of the nasties – sugar, dairy, wheat, legumes, processed foods, etc, which isn’t to say I don’t want to eat these things from time to time, I just know how truly awful they make me feel and how much they compromise my recovery, my overall state of health and therefore my goals!
Cue raw cake!
It sustains me, it satisfies the heftiest sweet craving, it’s easy to digest, it is supremely nutritious, it has no negative consequences and it is too delicious for words – The ultimate win-win-win situation!
So what’s in it?
- Raw Cashews
- Avocado
- Coconut Milk
- Coconut Oil
- Cacao
- Raw Brazil Nuts
- Raw Walnuts
- Raw Pumpkin Seeds
- Goji Berries
- Dried Cranberries
- Chia Seeds
- Shredded Coconut
- Chilli (yup – there’s the magic right there!)
- Coconut Oil

Raw Cake Ingredients
It is so dense with nutritional goodness it should be illegal! I make up a huge batch every 4-6weeks, pack it, slice it, and freeze it for daily consumption! It takes me about two hours to make about 5kgs (honestly) of raw cake, which lasts me 4-6 weeks if I don’t share too much with others!
The secret to quality nutrition is being prepared and having strategies for the inevitable emergencies – my raw cake is my answer! I keep it in the freezer at CrossFit Adelaide and in my freezer at home. I also always pack one or two slices into my esky bag when I leave home each morning, so I’m never caught out having to make decisions about what food to eat when my blood sugar levels are low, while travelling about the city in a rush! Recipe for disaster – no way!
I am asked ALL THE TIME for the recipe! So, here it is:
Base – Into food processor: 4 cups each of the of following: dried cranberries, gojis, walnuts and brazil nuts. Whiz it up and add 1 cup heated coconut oil (w 1/2 cup chilli flakes if you like that kind of thing). Place in large bowl and mix in 2 cups of chia seeds & 3 cups of shredded coconut.
Topping – Into food processor: 4 cups coconut cream, 4 avocado, 3 tablespoon cocoa, 4 cups soaked raw cashews, 1 cup coconut oil (heated)!
Get a few large flat tupperware containers and press the base in (about 1.5cm thick is good), then pour & spread topping on top! Place in freezer and after about 30-40 mins take out and slice into squares – it’s really hard to slice this stuff once it’s frozen!
Keep this treasure in the freezer and cut off portions each day!!! Voila!
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